im sniping internet at brians house after an awesome day at work. brian is cute in theory we all decided. he doesnt know though.
people of sutao:
CUTEST GIRL IN THE WORLD!!!! lee asked me to ask how old she was, and she was 5 "and a half" and she was the cutest girl in the world!!! she was talking about how her dad beat level 10 in a zelda game today, and she literally asked "what are ethics?' to her dad mid convo. i want her as my own. if i ever have a kid, i want her to be like this girl. her name was ava.
british girl. she was british and lee said she was a regular. she came in with family, and the one guy lee said orders the same thing everytime he comes, sweet and spicy chicken with a bottle of cola. they stayed forever but thats ok cause she was talking cool.
the blackest people i have ever seen in sutao ever. they werent very loud and i was liek CMON I WANT MY STEREOTYPICAL BLACK LADY SPEAK! but i didnt recieve
gamers! they were talking about apple and microstoft and all kinds of nerdy stuff and i was soooo sad when they left
mistmatching floral patterns and her husband whos hands shook. im normally into mismatching, but this was a little much, but her husband was cool. shakey but cool.
dm, nick, jesse. first timers, dm is a buddy of min, nick was my elementary bff, and jesse is in my neighborhood. cool kids small tip though. im burning osker for dm.
there were others but its getting late and i gotta bounce. sort of a slow night but brian is saying im bad a choosing guys which is true. ill get into the zombie shoot when i get home. ttfn.
I fail at sorority. I also haven't commented on this.
ReplyDelete*laughter* You're funny. I like you. Let's be friends.
Agh. Gamers. Ex twice removed... Glad not to have been there.
D'j00 want me to alert D.M. you've been talking about him?