today was a slow day but it was good none the less.
when i got in lee taught me how to peel broccoli HIS way. which is very particular, and he's left handed so it was like i had to switch everything. i sculpted a face into one. whoever eats the fried broccoli from that ones gunna be eating art haha
it also freaked me out because the barely lingual guy in the back whom exchanges funky noises with me called lee a "bad boy" today and i was like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok? that guy actually makes me feel uncomfortable though... oh well, he has a friendly face so i chill.
me and susan were talking for a while about my aspirations and what she thinks about owning a restaurant. we talked about tattoos for a LONG time
people of sutao:
returning girl who calls me drummer girl. shes super sweet. she asked for ice in her wine glass. who does that! haha
second black couple ever seen at the 'tao. super nice, the guy asked for agave nectar cause they were on a 21 day fast from bread sugar and some other stuff. he was also an artist and his wife was a salon lady.
OMG FINNIEST HAIR EVER! he was buzzed except for a single circle of hair on the top on his head. a like inch diameter circle. i died of laughter. me and lee were trying not to laugh like crazy.
little girl and her daddy. reminded me of me and my dad, except me and my dad are way cooler.
lone soldier in the creeper station. theres a part of sutao that we put people when its REALLY busy, but he wanted to go there by choice, its like a nice little patio like set up. i call it the creeper station. he was there for 2 hours waiting for his yoga class haha.
hardcore guy with not so hardcore girl. this guy reminded me of hardcore dan(hxc dan is a guy in a comic book based off of a real guy who is the guy who writes it's roommate. check out josh frees' stuff.) well this hardcore guy had a phillies cap on and a super badass sleeve, but it was terribly faded. punx gotta learn how to use sunscreen. not so hardcore girl was cute.
scary woman who was pretty to look at but terrifying to talk to. she had a 4 month old baby natural (like one of the births at home) birth child. she said it hurt alot without drugs. i was like daaaayum badass. but she was scary so i backed off.
double birthday party in the back room. im so pissed i forgot to add a person to the list! we let someone eat for free. because im an idiot! haha oh well, they were nice people anyway. like im pissed about it, but everyone makes mistakes i guess. i was peeved cause i spilled some water too. christ...
gunna work tomorrow even though i had bangin plans. 530 till close, then ill see what i can do, but ima try and see adam tomorrow. well, technically today i guess haha
You love that rabbit, almost as much as I ♥ you. [A Facebook friend would probably like if I <a href="http://kimberlymariah.blogspot.com/'>spread around her blog too</a>. She just wants a large hit count.]
ReplyDeleteNonetheless is acceptable as just one word, rather than separation of syllables.
Though we don't think about it, we <em>always</em> eat art. [Hunger grows.]
The grammar police would have you know that it's most proper in that variation as <em>Susan and I</em>. In general, it's "{person} and I".
♥ from one Sibling to another
Oh, html failure, and I even hit preview. Let's try again for Ms. Mariah.